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Why choose NZMA?

Learn, grow and change at NZMA

Our goal is to help every single student learn to move ahead.

NZMA offers far more than education: We give hope. Inspiration. And motivation.

Whether you know what you want to study, or have no idea, we'll help you with the tools and support you need to start your journey.

We have smaller classes, which gives you more one-on-one time with your tutor - and more chance to get to know your classmates. And you'll find the tutors can adapt the way they teach to suit your learning style.

If you're not close to a campus or need more flexible study options, we have a wide range of online and part-time courses available.

It's things like this that make many students big fans of NZMA. Drop in to a campus, see the smiling faces and see why NZMA could be the place for you.

Talk to our team

  • Smaller classes

  • Supportive tutors

  • Friendly campuses

  • Fun ways to learn

  • FREE study options*

  • Job-seeking support

What our students are saying

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80% of students complete their course, thanks to friendly tutors who offer one-on-one support and truly want to see you succeed.

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Our students really like being here. 8 out of 10 NZMA students said they would recommend it to others (2020 survey).

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40% of students are Māori or Pasifika, making our campuses vibrant and culturally diverse.

Information for students

We have lots of information to help you get started and make the most of studying with NZMA. Find information about student loans, accommodation and student life with our FAQs.

View information for students

Information for parents

Everyone wants their child or family member to succeed and we are here to help them move ahead. Find helpful information to answer your questions and support your loved ones.

View information for parents

General Information

At NZMA we are committed to offering quality learning. We are part of Up Education and are ranked as a Category 1 provider on NZQA’s EER rating which is the best rating possible for providers.

View general information

Information about careers

The NZMA Careers team will help you with valuable job hunting skills, like CV writing and interview techniques, help you find part-time work while you study and full-time work once you graduate.

View NZMA Careers

Want to move ahead with NZMA?

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