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NZMA awarded Category 1 rating by NZQA

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The recent external evaluation and review process undertaken by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority has ranked NZMA as a Category 1 provider – the highest rating available.

The four-yearly performance quality review determined that NZQA is ‘Highly Confident in Educational Performance’ and ‘Highly Confident in Self-Assessment’ at NZMA.

NZMA Chief Executive, Kylie Wilson says the findings of the review confirmed that NZMA’s learner-centric approach combined with its strong focus on consistency and continuous improvement, is a winning formula that is delivering industry-leading learning experiences.

“At NZMA we offer much more than education. We provide inspiration, motivation and a place of belonging for our learners. Supporting students to achieve meaningful educational and life outcomes sits at the core of what we do – and it inspires our team to deliver the very best student experience we can.”

NZQA commented that overall completions of courses and qualifications at NZMA are strong and were maintained throughout the disruption caused by the pandemic.

“Since the previous EER and throughout the pandemic lockdowns strong completions, the active fostering of life and work skills, and high transitions to employment after study are overt results of a PTE focussed on meeting stakeholder needs.”

The review highlighted that the organisational purpose and direction of NZMA are clear and imbue its strong delivery and support practices which creates a sense of family and belonging for learners.

“NZMA’s purpose, to ‘provide positive educational experiences for all students so they learn to move ahead’ underlies strong delivery and support practices.

“Life and work-related skills and attributes are actively developed and supported, leading to improved staircasing to higher learning and/or employment opportunities for graduates. This continues to be a key strength of NZMA.”

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