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Take the first step towards a job you can be proud of with our pre-nursing courses.

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Nursing is a high priority career that helps you save lives, brings happiness, and comfort to those in need.

Our courses will help you build the skills to go on and study a Nursing, Midwifery or Health Science degree. You will learn how the human body works, about the different jobs in the health sector and in the process, build your skills and confidence.

Our graduates have been accepted into MIT’s Bachelor of Nursing, AUT’s Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing), Whitireia Weltec’s Bachelor of Nursing Pacific, MIT’s Bachelor of Applied Counselling and the NZ Diploma in Enrolled Nursing.

Pre-Nursing Courses

LV. 3

Health and Wellbeing - Introduction

20 weeksFree study optionsOpen to international students

Learn how to support some of New Zealand’s most vulnerable people as a healthcare worker in mental health and addiction, community health, nursing or aged care. Gain practical skills and knowledge to apply what you learn in a three week work experience at a healthcare provider.

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LV. 4

Nursing Career Preparation

19 weeks

Get a deeper understanding of health, physiology and caring for people. Develop your academic skills further to prepare for a degree in Nursing, Midwifery or Health.

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Just some of the places our graduates are working:

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